Do you Know your Risk Score, your Subtype and your Gene Mutation Profile?
MDS treatment is individualized based on a patient’s risk score (IPSS-R & IPSS-M), subtype and, to some extent, genetic mutation. This knowledge will empower patients and their caregivers to take a more active role in decisions about their treatment and advocate for appropriate treatments that may prolong their life and improve their quality of life.
The following information is designed to help you understand how your risk score and subtype are determined, as well as general information on genetic mutations commonly found in MDS and the importance of genetic testing for these mutations.
Knowing your risk score and subtype and gene mutation profile will help facilitate discussions with your healthcare provider on what this means for you personally and help select the best treatment options.
IPSS-R Score
The IPSS-R is a classification system used by doctors to help predict a person’s risk of developing AML and overall survival without treatment.
The IPSS-M is the newest MDS prognosis calculator that combines genomic profiling with hematologic and cytogenetic parameters, improving the risk stratification of patients with MDS.
MDS Subtype
MDS is classified into several different subtypes based on the following features: Blood cell counts, Percentage of blasts in the bone marrow, and Cytogenetics.
Mutation profile
Genetic mutations occur when a gene is damaged and alters the genetic message. Mutations can potentially identify effective therapies to treat your disease.